Writing for business
You have a story to tell, you know it, but every time you start to bang it out you think ‘oh sweet baby cheesus, how boring am I?’.
As your friendly neighbourhood Word Nerd, I’m for you if your story doesn’t entice your ever-supportive mother, let alone your target audience or dream client.
It’s vitally important for you to make a connection with your ideal audience, and this is where good -nay, great- writing brings your brand to life. Many people love what they do, but struggle with polishing their message and lack confidence in their ability to write for their brand. You have a story to tell, you know it, but every time you start to bang it out you think ‘oh sweet baby cheesus, how boring am I?’

If your story doesn’t entice your ever-supportive mother, let alone your target audience or dream client, then I’m your gal.
Is your writing working as hard for you as it should? Maybe your goal is to stop writing your content on the fly; you want to commit to a strategy and a plan. Perhaps your website needs a massive makeover to be more aligned to your business values and where you are now as a brand, compared to when you launched two years ago.
Think of me as your friendly neighbourhood Word Nerd. I help people clarify their messages and get to the essence of what they do through smart, effective writing that turns ideas into stories that connect.