Process vs Product

Process vs Product Do you know the secret to good, compelling writing? Yes, it’s clever syntax, clear messaging and audience alignment. More than all of that, it’s giving a flying you-know-what about the way you’re crafting a message, ie the act of writing, as well as...

Why I love a good old fashioned copy deck

Have you ever worked with a copy deck? I do, all the time, and haven’t really thought much about it as a process. It’s just what I do. Recently, I handed over a writing project to a client and her response was less about the content (it was fantastic, naturally 😉 )...

Writer Schmiter- Why Outsource Your Writing Projects? 

Grammar and spelling not your thing? Takes you forever to bang out a 300 word article? Need to update your flyer or website but you get tangled in words? Gosh, don’t put yourself through that quagmire when there are people out there with Masters in this shiz- aka me....

Storytelling and rhyming couplets…

I’ve just started working with a client on an exciting project that is based on one of my greatest loves- storytelling. I can’t go into too much detail at this early stage, but basically, we are showcasing my client’s services by creating narratives that celebrate...
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